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PRP Wing Lift

Renew & Rejuvenate Aesthetic MD Clinics is your premiere center for non-surgical cosmetic procedures, weight-loss regimens, and revitalizing wellness treatments. Our expert team of medical professionals has been dedicated to helping patients like you restore their natural beauty and optimize their health for more than 20 years. We are proud to offer the PRP Wing Lift to residents of Brunswick, Savannah, and coming soon Rincon throughout Coastal Georgia.

What is the PRP Wing Lift?

We all want to keep our skin as youthful as possible – the same goes for our most intimate areas. As we age, our skin starts to sag and lose its natural lift. The regenerative properties of PRP therapy allow our patients to get the youthful appearance they desire without the cutting, scarring, or invasive procedures associated with traditional plastic surgery procedures. The PRP Wing Lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that allows women to restore their feminine area with the help of PRP therapy. We often recommend our patients combine their PRP Wing Lift with the Oh-em-gee Shot for ultimate restorative results.

Renew & Rejuvenate Aesthetic MD

How Much does a PRP Wing Lift Cost?

The cost of your PRP Wing Lift will vary depending on the extent of treatment needed to help you achieve your desired results. To get a better idea of how much your PRP Wing Lift will cost, we encourage you to come in for a private consultation with one of our medical professionals.

What are the Benefits of a PRP Wing Lift?

There are many benefits to receiving PRP Wing Lift treatments with the professionals at Renew & Rejuvenate Aesthetic MD Clinics, including:

  • Minimally invasive cosmetic procedure
  • Utilizes PRP therapy
  • Improves skin laxity
  • Restores the appearance of the labia
  • Can be combined with the O-Shot® for ultimate results
  • No downtime or recovery period
  • Noticeable results after just one treatment

What Can I Expect During my PRP Wing Lift?

Your PRP Wing Lift will be performed at your local Renew & Rejuvenate Aesthetic MD Clinics facility by one of our experienced doctors. Before your PRP Wing Lift begins, a topical anesthetic may be applied to your treatment area. This is to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible throughout your entire treatment. A sample of blood will then be drawn from your arm in a similar fashion to donating blood or giving blood for testing before being purified in a centrifuge system to extract the PRP. The extracted PRP will then be placed into a syringe and strategically injected into your intimate areas (the labia majora and labia minora).

What Results Can I Expect from my PRP Wing Lift?

Because the PRP Wing Lift is a minimally invasive procedure, there is no downtime or recovery period required with treatment. Most patients are able to return to work and normal daily activities immediately following their procedure. Redness, tenderness, and swelling around your arm and injection sites are normal and typically fade on their own within a few days of treatment. The results of your PRP Wing Lift may take several weeks to become visible as the body’s natural levels of collagen increase.

PRP Wing Lift + Altar™

Every PRP Wing Lift comes with Altar™, a unique skin care solution designed to enhance and extend the results of your procedure. Altar™ is made with SBD-4, a plant-based ingredient packed with hyaluronic acid, amino acids and other beneficial ingredients. When used throughout the recovery process, Altar™ increases the circulation of oxygen and nutrients in the skin to accelerate recovery and magnify your results. Furthermore, Altar™ helps the skin retain volume and even helps repair its protective barrier for long-term skin health.

Am I a Good Candidate for a PRP Wing Lift?

If you are looking for a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment to restore a naturally youthful appearance to your vaginal area, a PRP Wing Lift may be right for you. Ideal candidates for the PRP Wing Lift are in good general health and have realistic expectations of their desired results. To get a better idea if the PRP Wing Lift is right for you, we encourage you to schedule your one-on-one consultation with one of our medical professionals today. They’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, assess your skin, and develop a fully customized treatment plan to help you achieve your ultimate aesthetic goals.

Providers are professionally trained  and meet once a year for continued education on the procedures being offered.

The team at Renew & Rejuvenate Aesthetic MD Clinics is proud to offer a variety of medical spa, wellness, and weight-loss treatments to residents of Brunswick, Savannah, and coming soon Rincon throughout Coastal Georgia. Contact us to schedule your private consultation with one of our medical professionals today.