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PRP/PRFM Pre & Post Care

Dear $(Contact.FirstName),

We are looking forward to seeing you for your upcoming visit in our Medi Spa! Our highly-trained team is looking forward to providing you with an exceptional treatment experience. In order to help you maximize your treatment results and minimize any potential unwanted side effects, we are including a list of treatment instructions to follow for before and after your treatment. Please contact our staff if you have any questions or concerns.

Pre-Treatment Instructions for PRP/PRFM:

  • The following medication will thin your blood and increase your risk of bruising. If possible, avoid them for at least one week prior to your procedure.
    • NSAID’s (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naprosyn, Aspirin) - Tylenol is allowed
    • Certain nutritional supplements (Gingko, Garlic, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-A Flax Oil, Curcumin and other anti-inflammatory nutrients)
    • Systemic Steroids (prednisone, dexamethasone)
    • Alcohol and Cigarettes
  • For one week prior to your procedure, eat a diet high in antioxidants and low in processed food.
  • Hydrate well the day before and the day of the procedure, and be sure to eat before your appointment for ease of blood draw.

Post-Treatment Instructions for PRP/PRFM:

  • You can expect mild inflammation, redness and swelling for a few days.
  • Bruising may last several weeks, but usually subsides within 7-10 days.
  • Avoid the sun & use a physical sun block daily to prevent permanent discoloration.
  • Avoid manipulating or pressing on the treated area(s) for 48 hours (including having other treatments done).
  • Try to sleep on your back and not on your abdomen the night after your procedure.
  • Avoid any massages or ice to the areas treated. Eat healthy and hydrate very well (at least 64 ounces of water daily)
  • Avoid the following for at least 1 week:
    • Retin-A/Tretinoin or any products containing retinol
    • NSAID’s (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Maprosyn, Aspirin) - Tylenol is allowed for pain reduction.
    • Certain nutritional supplements (Gingko, Garlic, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-A, Flax Oil, Curcumin and other anti-inflammatory nutrients).
    • Systemic Steroids (prednisone, dexamethasone)
    • Alcohol and Cigarettes